As a FIRST Robotics Competition team who is dedicated to providing a rich learning enviornment for its members and always seeks to extend our positive influence in the community, we are always in need of resources and help from those who have a passion in STEM. We would love if you could support our students in their quest to achieve their goals and learn valuable skills in any of the ways below!
Become a Mentor
We are always looking for expertise in programming, electronics, engineering, mechanics, design, marketing, finances, and business who can share their knowledge with our members. If you are interested in helping out high school students and would like to volunteer in any capacity as a mentor for Team 3128 or have any questions, please let us know!
If you are a parent or family member of a narwhal, please help us out by donating! Our team needs many resources - electronics, lumber, gearboxes, aluminum, polycarbonate, coaching, travel, to name a few - that we can’t get without your support.
Financial donations and direct donations of goods are all tax-deductible.
We request donations from every family in order to continue our mission to create a unique learning environment for our members.
Become a Sponsor
If you are a corporation, business, or organization who would like to support our team’s efforts to create a STEM learning environment that fosters collaboration and allows for students to learn important life skills, both technical and organizational, as well as to positively influence our community through our STEM outreach programs, we would greatly appreciate any support you would be able to provide!